Walls and fences against the welfare society

Aneta de la Mar Ikonómova


Never in the history of the world have been created so many walls and fences to prevent people from crossing national, international, social, economic, ethnic or cultural spaces with the purpose of seeking opportunities and achieving the life of the welfare society. Many consider these walls, fences, barriers or fortified borders as the new walls of the globalization. It is hard not to see the big paradox of the new globalized context that promotes and defends the right of free movement of capital and finances, but at the same time closes borders, so that “the uncomfortable” do not cross them and cannot get integrated into the welfare society. Are these the walls of the globalization or are they the limits of the globalization? This is the question asked by many researchers in the recent years and this is one of the problems that this paper will put into discussion.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/al.2014.1.143
Date of publication: 2015-05-19 09:25:13
Date of submission: 2015-04-21 10:14:08


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