The development of narcotrafficking and corruption in Mexico

Nubia Nieto


In recent decades, Mexico has hit the news headlines due to the high levels of violence, brutality and drug trafficking. Moreover, the links between political power, intelligence agencies, corruption and organised crime have been undeniable in the development of narcotrafficking and violence in Mexico. In this scenario, the following questions are emerging and are intended to be analyzed throughout this text: Why have drug traffickers managed to destabilize the Mexican government? How much responsibilities have the U.S. and Mexican intelligence agencies in the development of drug trafficking and violence? Can Mexico by itself control the development of drug trafficking? Is it possible to establish the rule of law and accountability mechanisms? Does the new government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador represent hope for the control of violence in Mexico?


corruption, drug trafficking, political elites, Mexico, democracy.

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Date of publication: 2019-02-05 09:32:42
Date of submission: 2019-02-05 09:01:16


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