Pharmaceuticals as a Specific Consumer Goods. Factors Affecting the Increase in Drug Consumption – The Sociological Perspective
Sociologists have become interested in medicaments only recently, as a result of the dynamic growth in pharmaceutical consumption at the beginning of the 21st century. The development of concepts such as pharmaceuticalization and lifestyle drugs has facilitated research in this area. Based on a narrative literature review, in this article we highlight the distinguishing features of pharmaceuticals and differentiate them from other consumer goods. Factors which have increased the consumption of medicaments are discussed. The special attention is put to the consumerism and consumptionism factors because they can be very interesting to sociologists. We show how consumerism develops (activities occurring for the benefit of patients and defending their interests in relation to medicaments). We also attempt to indicate manifestations of consumptionism and anti-consumptionism in the domain of medicament.
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Date of publication: 2021-05-18 13:49:31
Date of submission: 2021-05-18 13:12:18
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