Legal Aspects of the Executive Bodies System Formation in the Area of the Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Lands in Ukraine

Olena Bevz


This article aims to determine the system of the state bodies of executive power in terms of their competence in cultural and historical land usage and protection, taking into account the latest changes in Ukrainian legislation. The author emphasizes that the administration of lands designated for historical and cultural use and protection should take place within a framework of executive bodies specifically authorized as regards cultural heritage protection. Special attention is drawn to the powers of such state bodies like the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the State Service for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Ukraine, and the State Inspection for Cultural Heritage of Ukraine. The article includes a historical and contemporary overview of central executive bodies that ensure the formation and implementation of state policy in the sphere of cultural heritage protection. This scientific study focuses on the constant changes that occur in the system of executive power. The results of the investigation show that these changes in Ukraine take place irregularly today and are not conducive to the efficient use and protection of lands of historical and cultural significance.


lands of historical and cultural significance; protection of cultural heritage; central bodies of executive power

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Date of publication: 2021-09-05 23:24:08
Date of submission: 2020-12-02 18:25:15


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