The Freshness and Quality Indicators of Table Eggs During Their Storage on the Background of Existing Legislation
From the moment of laying, physico-chemical changes occur in eggs, known as “ageing”. Their intensity is modified by many factors such as the age of the laying hens, the system of birds’ rearing, the method of egg packaging, their storage conditions, the preservation methods or the physical characteristics of the eggs. Also, packaging and marketing operations affect the freshness and suitability of table eggs. The study brings into focus the type of changes, also in terms of consumer preferences and the possibility of deterioration of the quality of raw material against the background of the legal acts in force. Particular attention is paid to legislative changes specifying (or not) the storage conditions for eggs.
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Date of publication: 2024-04-30 16:20:36
Date of submission: 2023-12-21 10:00:34
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