Legal Challenges Faced by Hasidic Non-Profit Organisations in Poland
The article highlights the legal challenges faced by Hasidic non-profit organizations operating in Poland. These organizations are established by foreign Hasidic communities with the goal of recovering places of worship lost in the post-war years and facilitating pilgrimages to these sites. These places, as a result of World War II and the actions of the communist authorities, are now largely in the possession of the State Treasury, local government units or private entities. Hasidic non-profit organizations face a variety of legislative challenges when striving to achieve their goals – in particular, the challenges related to the selection of legal form, restrictions on ownership of cemeteries, and the lack of legal succession to the pre-war Jewish communities. The research methods used in the study include historical-legal and dogmatic methods.
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Date of publication: 2024-12-30 23:08:14
Date of submission: 2024-06-06 12:32:10
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