An Italian Missionary-Lexicographer in the Nineteenth-Century Bulgaria
The article discusses Magalena Abadzhieva’s book The Bulgarian-Italian handwritten dictionary of Father Maurizio of 1845: Study and text. Sofia: BAS, 2020 [Абаджиева, Магдалена. Ръкописният българо-италиански речник на отец Маурицио от 1845 г. : Изследване и текст. София: БАН, 2020] in the context of the history of Bulgarian Catholics and their writings. It reveals several disputable points concerning the interpretation of separate words appearing in the Italian missionary’s dictionary, such as arkangel, doniza, kugè. The author confirms the thesis that the work of Father Maurizio may be included in the canon of Bulgarian Catholic literature, as it is a valuable source of knowledge about the Paulician dialect.
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Date of publication: 2020-12-08 11:26:25
Date of submission: 2020-12-08 09:50:37
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