
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

All work must be original and not simultaneously submitted to other journal or conference. Prepare paper according to the guidelines of format A4 (Word document). Submission online

Online submission process is open!

Authors can use the system for submitting sites operated by the publications system to submit their work. If you do not already have an account system is available you will need to create, and then log on to submit their documents. Please read the instructions for submitting proposals for the system.

Assembly Instructions

Both long (8 pages max., Approximately 8000 words) and short (4 pages max., Approximately 4,000 words) application paper should be written in English and be submitted in electronic form via the publications system is available. Submission formats is Microsoft Word using the IEEE conference paper word A4 that can be found in the relevant IEEE website .

Accepted Papers

Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, importance, significance, and clarity of presentation. Authors should certify that their documents are essentially a new job previously unreleased. Submission of a paper implies that the intention is one of the authors presenting the paper, if accepted.