Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The publication of the articles- Humanities and Social Sciences- on Central and Eastern Europe, in particular concerning the region marked by the mountains ranges of the Carpathians and the Balkans. The broad character of the articles: political science, history, social sciences, the studies on culture, the studies on media.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The editorial board introduced the review procedures based on the standards recommended by the Ministry of High Education. After submitting the article which is composed in consent with the editorial instruction, it is initially verified by the editorial committee and, then, it is sent for the reviewer. Each article is reviewed by two independent reviewers (outside the scientific entity of the author). The author or the authors of the text and the reviewers do not know each others’ identities (double-blind review process). The review is written and it finishes with the explicit statement: rejected or allowed to be published. The surnames of the reviewers are not revealed. The list of the reviewers is available on the website of the scientific journal and it is published every year in the paper edition of the scientific journal. As far as foreign texts are concerned (other than Polish) at least one reviewer is affiliated in the international institution other than  the author’s one.


Publication Frequency

W 2016 roku redakcja planuje  wydanie dwóch numerów czasopisma. Teksty do numeru pierwszego będą przyjmowane do 31 marca 2016 roku. (numer z datą 2015 rok) oraz do 31 czerwca 2016 roku.


Open Access Policy

Czasopismo jest udostępniane na zasadach Open Access, oznacza to wolny, bezpłatny, powszechny, trwały i szybki dostęp do publikacji elektronicznych o treści naukowej i edukacyjnej zawartych w niniejszym czasopiśmie. Każdy użytkownik sieci ma prawo czytać, kopiować, drukować, rozpowszechniać, indeksować, cytować i przeszukiwać zasoby otwarte, w tym pełne teksty artykułów, raportów z badań, materiałów konferencyjnych, wykładów akademickich i książek opublikowanych w modelu Open Access. Użytkownik korzysta z materiałów bez ograniczeń finansowych, prawnych i technicznych, przy zachowaniu praw autorskich.



The standards of Good Practices in „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska” – „Sectio Balcaniensis et Carpathiensis”

The editorial board in the scientific journal makes every effort to keep the high quality, originality and reliability of the published research results, including the responsibility of the editorial board for preventing the bad practice in the process of publishing. The editorial board does not tolerate unethical behaviour and plagiarism. The authors of the articles declare in paper the originality of the text to be published. After being short-listed the authors are obliged to declare in paper the fact that the article is original and has not been published yet or placed or accepted to be published in any other scientific publication (scientific journal, monograph) in any form.

To assure the reliability the editorial board introduced the procedures which support the originality of the published articles - prevention from ghostwriting and guest authorship. The first term concerns the situation when somebody made a substantial contribution to the article but the participation was not revealed. The second term concerns the situation in which the participation of the author is barely or even non-existent and yet the person is listed as the author or the co-author of the article.

While taking care of the quality of the publication the editorial board applies the procedures in accordance with the disciplines of humanities and social sciences.

1. The editorial board demands the information about the contribution of the authors of the publication (with their affiliation and the form of  participation, e.g. the authorship of the concept, methods, techniques, attachments). The author of the text is obliged to present such information.

2. The editorial board explains in The Instruction for the authors that ghostwriting and guest authorship are the expressions of lack of scientific reliability and will be exposed as soon as they happen, including passing the information to responsible subjects (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors).

3. The editorial board demands the information about the sources of financing the publication, especially the financial contribution of the scientific subjects and other institutions (financial disclosure).

4. The editorial board documents the cases of lack of scientific reliability, in particular breaking the rules of ethics in science.


The reviewers

  • Marko Babić (Poland, University of Warsaw)
  • Stanisław Balik (the Czech Republic, Masaryk University)
  • Agnieszka Bryc (Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
  • Mirosław Filipowicz (Poland, the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin)
  • Paweł Frankowski (Poland, Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
  • Andrzej Gil (Poland, the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin)
  • Pál Attila Illés, (Hungary,  Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
  • Wasyl Klymonchuk (Ukraine, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University)
  • Tomasz Kuczur (Poland, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz)
  • Elżbieta Kużelewska (Poland, University in Białystok)
  • Myroslava Lendel (Ukraine, Uzhhorod National University)
  • Miroslav Michela (Slovakia, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
  • Konrad Morawski (Poland, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)
  • Andrzej Podraza (Poland, the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin)
  • Magdalena Rekść (Poland, University of Łódź)
  • Nartsiss Shukuralieva (Poland, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
  • Zdravko Stamatosky (Macedonia)
  • Barbara Stoczewska (Poland, Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
  • Lech Aleksy Suchomłynow (Ukraine, Berdan University of Management and Business)
  • Tomáš Šmíd (the Czech Republic, Masaryk University in Brno)
  • Joanna Taczkowska-Olszewska (Polska, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej w Warszawie)


The standards of Good Practices in „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska” – „Sectio Balcaniensis et Carpathiensis”

The editorial board in the scientific journal makes every effort to keep the high quality, originality and reliability of the published research results, including the responsibility of the editorial board for preventing the bad practice in the process of publishing. The editorial board does not tolerate unethical behaviour and plagiarism. The authors of the articles declare in paper the originality of the text to be published. After being short-listed the authors are obliged to declare in paper the fact that the article is original and has not been published yet or placed or accepted to be published in any other scientific publication (scientific journal, monograph) in any form.

To assure the reliability the editorial board introduced the procedures which support the originality of the published articles - prevention from ghostwriting and guest authorship. The first term concerns the situation when somebody made a substantial contribution to the article but the participation was not revealed. The second term concerns the situation in which the participation of the author is barely or even non-existent and yet the person is listed as the author or the co-author of the article.

While taking care of the quality of the publication the editorial board applies the procedures in accordance with the disciplines of humanities and social sciences.

1. The editorial board demands the information about the contribution of the authors of the publication (with their affiliation and the form of  participation, e.g. the authorship of the concept, methods, techniques, attachments). The author of the text is obliged to present such information.

2. The editorial board explains in The Instruction for the authors that ghostwriting and guest authorship are the expressions of lack of scientific reliability and will be exposed as soon as they happen, including passing the information to responsible subjects (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors).

3. The editorial board demands the information about the sources of financing the publication, especially the financial contribution of the scientific subjects and other institutions (financial disclosure).

4. The editorial board documents the cases of lack of scientific reliability, in particular breaking the rules of ethics in science.