Who Is a Friend and Who Is an Enemy? Serbia’s Relations with Selected International Entities from the Perspective of the Inhabitants of Serbia

Zuzanna Halina Sielska


As a consequence of recent events in the world, people have become more interested in international politics, clarifying their approach to international entities, especially hegemons such as the USA, China, Russia or the European Union. Serbs have been maneuvering between the East and the West for centuries, which is why I decided to find out how they currently assess relations with individual international entities. According to surveys, the majority of Serbs believe that Russia is Serbia’s most important partner in the international arena and that their countries have the most friendly and partner relations. In addition, Serbs have the greatest confidence in Russia, claiming for the most part that it has good intentions towards their country. However, most respondents believe that the European Union and China are investing the most in Serbia.


North Macedonia, Identity, Western Balkans, Europe

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/bc.2024.9.143-168
Date of publication: 2024-09-26 12:58:19
Date of submission: 2020-07-29 17:27:54


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