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Author Guidelines

§ 1.

  1. The Editorial Board accepts the for publication following texts: glosses on judicial decisions in the commercial law cases that address problems relevant for the judicial practice and science and case law reviews in these cases.
  2. The gloss which is submitted for publication shall include description of the legal problem addressed in the ruling and an analysis of the court’s reasoning. Moreover, the gloss shall include an unequivocal conclusion and assessment of the court’s reasoning. The gloss may contain a detailed description of the course of the proceedings, but only to the extent as necessary to demonstrate the legal problem.
  3. The case law review which is submitted for publication shall include the presentation of theses from the most important judgments from period selected by the author, in which the legal issue analyzed by the author was presented. The case law review also shall include the conclusions from the author’s analysis of judicature.
  4. The glosses and the case law reviews will be published in the journal in Polish.

§ 2.

The journal does not charge any payment for submitting a text for publication.

§ 3.

  1. The author shall attach to the submitting text an abstract in English and Polish, which should have 100 to 250 words.
  2. The abstract attached to the gloss should specify, in particular the nature of the submitting gloss (disapproving, partially approving, partially disapproving, approving), the legal problem addressed in the ruling, main theses from the analysis and cognitive value for science or practice.
  3. The abstract attached to the case law review shall specify the legal problem addressed in the analyzed judgments, main theses from the analysis and cognitive value for science or practice.

§ 4.

Tha author shall attach to the submitting text 3 to 6 keywords in Polish and English.

§ 5.

  1. The author shall attach to the text the references, in which the following items shall be distinguished: Literature, Legal acts and Case law.
  2. References shall be drawn up using the Latin alphabet. Where sources written in other scripts are cited, the Editorial Board requires their transliteration.
  3. The literature in the references should be arranged alphabetically by the author’s name or by the title, for the collective publications under editorship.
  4. Legal acts in the references should be arranged chronologically, starting with the oldest legal act.
  5. Case law in the references should be arranged chronologically, starting with the oldest judgment.

§ 6.

  1. Texts for publication should be submitted electronically, in the Microsoft Word format via the website:
  2. When submitting a text for publication, the Author shall specify his/her first and last name, degree or title, affiliation, e-mail address, ORCID number, and attaches a scan of the statement of authorship and percentage contribution to the publication (in accordance with the rules of publishing ethics and the statement of irregularities in the publication of the journal), which is an additional PDF or JPG file.
  3. Texts submitted for publication by: graduates of law faculties, PhD students, assistant professors and legal trainees should be accompanied by a scan of the recommendation of the academic supervisor, which is a supplementary PDF or JPG file.
  4. The volume of the text submitted for publication should have the size of not less than 20 thousand characters (with spaces and footnotes, the abstract, keywords and references) and not more than 30 thousand characters (with spaces and footnotes, the abstract, keywords and references).
  5. All texts submitted for publication are verified using the plagiarism checker. The report from the verification is made available to reviewers by the Editorial Board, without revealing the identity of the author.
  6. The Editorial Board may reject a submitted text before sending it for review, when the text is not compatible with the profile of the journal, does not meet the requirements regarding the content, footnotes, text volume or when the author has not provided the information, referred to in point 2 of this paragraph, has not included the declaration indicated there or has not included the declaration referred to in point 3 of this paragraph.

§ 7.

  1. Texts submitted for publication should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, with spacing 1,5 and margins 2,5 x 2,5 cm.
  2. Footnotes in texts submitted for publication should be written using in the traditional Latin system.
  3. Titles of cited books and articles should be written in italics.
  4. Titles of journals should be written in double quotes, no italics (e.g. „Polski Proces Cywilny”).
  5. References to footnotes should be placed before punctuation marks. Each footnote should end with a dot.
  6.  When citing a journal article, its DOI number is indicated if available.
  7. A dot is placed after quotation marks.
  8. Foreign words are written in italics (e.g. sensu stricto).
  9. Dates in the text should be marked with full names of months and full spelling of words „year”, „age” (e.g. December 21, 2021).

§ 8.

  1. The Editorial Board sends for review glosses and case law reviews, unless the text was rejected for the reasons indicated in point 6 of paragraph 6.
  2. To assess submitted text, at least two reviewers ( ) shall be appointed from outside the scientific unit affiliated by the author. Reviewers shall be appointed by the Editor-in-Chief in cooperation with the Managing Editor in consultation with the Editorial Board members.
  3. The reviewer, when accepting the request to review a text submitted to journal, shall make a declaration of the lack of conflict of interest arising from the relationship with the author or institution related to the submitted text.
  4. Only texts which have got two positive reviews shall be allowed for publication. When reviews are inconsistent, the Editorial Board may appoint an additional reviewer or reviewers.

§ 9.

  1. The review shall be drawn up in electronic form on reviewer’s individual account on the website, and shall be published in the journal’s system. The review shall be concluded with a proposal to either publish the text or publish the text provided certain changes are made to it, or reject it.
  2. The author and reviewers must not know the identities of one another (double-blind review process).
  3. The content of the review shall be communicated to the author without disclosing the identity of the reviewers. The author is obliged to respond to all comments and conclusions posted in the review.
  4.  In the event of conditional review, the Editorial Board may allow the text for publication provided that the author modifies the text as indicated by the reviewer.

§ 10.

  1. The journal shall publish once a year a list of all cooperating reviewers.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The text has been prepared using "Gloss. Commercial Law in Judgments and Commentaries" template.
  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  5. The separate files attached contain editable (vector graphics) pictures and charts, of 300 DPI resolution at a minimum, in the JPEG, PDF and TIF formats. If the charts are made in MS Excel, please attach also .xlsx files.
  6. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  7. You have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  8. Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.

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Full copyright statement can be read here


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