Factors Determining the Asymmetrical Division of Value Created by Companies

Bogusław Gulski


The present paper discusses the issue of value capturing. The author’s objective was to identify factors determining the character of value capturing. In order to meet the objective, value capturing, along with several variations of the phenomenon, were identified. Next, an analysis of two companies, in light of value capturing and factors determining the character of the phenomenon was conducted. Results indicate that the character is determined by endogenous factors associated with the process of creating and transforming value by companies.
Purpose – The aim of the paper is to identify factors determining the specific division of value created by companies.
Methods – The study utilized a case study approach which compares a pair of companies. The study compared the attitude of other companies and their approach towards the above-mentioned pair, which may be justified by sensitivity of some areas of the issue. The selection of the case study approach results from an early stage of studies on value capturing.
Results – Research results indicate that companies with limited capability for independent transformation of use value into exchange value, insufficient realization of some activities in value chain in relation to needs, and poor tangible and intangible assets, are prone to asymmetrical division of value.
Limitations – In general, qualitative studies precede quantitative ones, and enable more general conclusions to be drawn. Therefore, further studies on a more sizeable sample are feasible in order to reach more applicable conclusions and for them to serve as a basis for actions to be undertaken by companies.
Practical implications – Results of the study allow general guidelines for developing business models and determining direction of development for companies to be established.
Novelty of the study – It seems that the present study is relatively novel due to a short period of interest in value capturing, and consequently, few publications discussing the issue available. Further studies associated with the present issue ought to examine pairs of cooperating entities which divide value asymmetrically. However, it requires methods of collecting sensitive data to be developed.


company, case study, value creation, value capturing

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ijsr.2016.5.0.79
Date of publication: 2017-05-23 10:49:41
Date of submission: 2017-05-23 10:26:47


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