Managerial Competences in International Scope

Karolina Ławicka, Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek


Purpose – The aim of the paper is an identification of key managerial competences based on selected typologies described in the literature of the subject and studies reflecting managerial practices in East-Central Europe (Slovakia, Lithuania, Poland).
Design/Methodology/Approach – The present study constitutes a review of the Polish and international literature of the subject.
Findings – Fifteen key managerial competences were selected on the basis of managerial competences’ typologies outlined in the literature. Practitioners participating in several studies acknowledged the competences to be significant in managers’ work. They were also indicated as crucial in managers’ work by practitioners who had taken part in the described research survey. The most important were: personality traits such as flexibility, interpersonal/social skills, leadership, teamwork, and decision-making. Moreover, apart from the set of competences featured in the literature, evaluated mangers indicated two additional competences: information gathering and change management, which they considered vital.
Originality/Value – The paper is a comparison of the international observations with findings of studies encompassing managers from three European states: Lithuania, Slovakia, and Poland.


management, competences, managerial competences, competence models, managers’ skills

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Date of publication: 2017-05-23 10:49:41
Date of submission: 2017-05-23 10:29:33


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