Entrepreneurship Determinants among the Students of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin in the Light of the Conducted Research

Bartłomiej Twarowski


Purpose – The goal of this article is to present results of the research conducted among the students of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin with regard to factors stimulating their entrepreneurship or constituting a barrier in that area. The research covered one of the dimensions of entrepreneurship, i.e. the conducting of one’s own business.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The following questions were asked as a part of the research procedure:
1) What is the entrepreneurial activity level of the MCSU students?
2) What factors motivate them to start their businesses?
3) What factors discourage them from managing their firms?
The sample-based study method was applied; because of that, it was necessary to get the empirical material from individuals belonging to a representative research sample. Students from all MCSU departments participated in the research. Data were collected in 2014–2016 with the use of a categorized interview questionnaire on 1,219 respondents selected at random. Thanks to the information contained in the metrics, it was possible to divide participants in the research on the basis of the following criteria: sex, study degree, field of studies, degree of financial dependency on third parties, business experience of parents or caretakers. The statistical materiality of differences in participants’ declarations was determined with the use of the chi-square test and derivative measures such as V-Cramer, T-Czuprow or Yule coefficients. An analysis of the structural similarity index had a supporting significance in that area.
Findings – Levels of entrepreneurial activity among the MCSU students were analysed. Factors stimulating and discouraging them from being entrepreneurs were identified. Materiality of these factors was also determined for the entire research sample and for distinguished groups of respondents. The dependence of the entrepreneurship levels among students on their participation in individual groups was analysed.
Practical implications – Results obtained in this manner and conclusions drawn from this research will allow one to work out an end-to-end program of academic entrepreneurship development aimed at the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours among students and graduates as well as the promotion of entrepreneurial culture in academic circles.  
Original value – The originality of the analysis results from the specific nature of the research conducted. It was the first time when the entrepreneurship research covered students of all MCSU faculties. The exploration took place in groups distinguished from the research sample, which allowed for a greater integrity of analyses. The obtained results constitute a stimulus to continue the research with the use of focus groups. The final goal of the research will consist of an original training curriculum relating to academic entrepreneurship.
Article type – Research paper.


academic entrepreneurship, starting a business, students, entrepreneurship determinants

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ijsr.2016.5.0.125
Date of publication: 2017-05-23 10:49:43
Date of submission: 2017-05-23 10:35:58


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