HRM Practices in Knowledge Management in Innovative Enterprises
Purpose – The aim of the study was to identify HRM practices in the area of knowledge management applied in Polish innovative enterprises and their relationship with the enterprises’ innovation.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The paper presents results of a study covering innovative enterprises operating in Poland. The questionnaire study was conducted among managers responsible for HRM in the enterprises.
Findings – The following aspects were supported among HRM practices regarding knowledge management in the studied companies: employees’ creativity, work groups and project teams. Relationships were identified between specific HRM practices in knowledge management and creative, talented workers and management cadre constituting internal sources of innovation, effectiveness of innovation process phases, and the scale of novelty of implemented innovations.
Research limitations/implications – The weakness of the presented studies can be observed in sampling. The sample encompassed businesses manifesting various scopes of implemented innovations (from global to organization innovation) and representing various industries.
Practical implications – The findings of this study may be used by companies interested in implementing innovations in the organization. Results of the study indicate that the more innovations in knowledge management were implemented, the greater the number of these originated internally, the innovative process took a more effective course, and the scope of innovations was broader.
Originality/value – The study applied an original set of HRM practices and a multi-dimensional approach to organizations’ innovation. The assessment of the degree to which HRM practices in knowledge management are applied in innovative businesses is also valuable.
Article type – Research paper.
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Date of publication: 2018-04-25 11:09:21
Date of submission: 2018-02-12 21:37:42
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