Perception of trust levels in organizations based upon opinions of Polish and Ukrainian employees- results of a pilot study

Magdalena Oronowicz, Sylwia Samuła, Piotr Kowalczyk


Objective - Due to the increasing share of Ukrainians in the Polish labor market, an analysis concerning the evaluation of trust levels exhibited by Polish and Ukrainian employees of Polish organizations was conducted. The assessment serves to merely outline the issue. Further studies on a more representative sample ought to be continued.

Approach - The paper is based upon the review of literature regarding the scope of social capital and results of a pilot study conducted with the use of a questionnaire. The pilot encompassed 84 respondents. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of tools applied by other authors. The study encompassed Polish and Ukrainian employees due to the increasing share of the latter in the Polish labor market.

Results - Results indicate that the employees, regardless of their nationality, manifest a rather high trust level. Respondents of both nationalities believe that their colleagues are friendly and eagerly share knowledge. The results indicate that they are aware of their duties and need not be controlled and overseen. However, they openly admit that their organizations do not shy from gossip and criticism, which begs for more scrutiny.

Limitations/ research implications - The limitation of the present paper can be seen in the non-representative character of the sample. Moreover, it would be beneficial to expand the questionnaire in order to gain more insight into the issue.

Originality/ value - Despite the limitations, the results are interesting due to the increasing number of Ukrainian employees in Polish organizations.


social capital, trust, types of trust, organizational success

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Date of publication: 2019-03-02 12:20:03
Date of submission: 2018-11-14 21:37:39


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