Selected aspects of human resource management in uniformed services

Tomasz Krzewiński


The aim of the article is to identify the process of human resource management and factors that influence officers’ motivation in selected uniformed services. This analysis concerns the Police, Border Guard and Customs and Fiscal Service. This choice was made due to the diversity of the tasks carried out by the officers of these services. The concept of uniformed services, characteristics of the analysed services and the requirements for officers, the process of employees recruitment and activities aimed at maintaining officers through appropriate motivation and promotion as a form of professional development were presented. Promotion to successive levels of work is not only an important element in shaping the HR policy but also a determinant of the position of a given officer in the organization. The layout of this work presents elements of multi-aspect status of an officer in each of the studied formations in the context of the characteristics of individual services.

Purpose - Identification of the human resource management and factors that influence the motivation of officers in selected Polish uniformed services - the Police, Border Guard and Customs and Fiscal Service

Design / methodology / approach - Review of literature, reports on empirical research and applicable legal regulations

Findings - The basic mutual element of the Police, the Border Guard and the Customs and Fiscal Service is the use of uniforms and officers subordination system, but also the centralism of the organizational structure and hierarchical subordination. The activities of these services, including the implementation of the human resource management process, are regulated by relevant legal regulations. Service requirements, the scope of tasks, obligations and responsibilities, the process of employee selection, evaluation, promotion, but also retirement provisions are strictly determined. Similarities and differences in this area have been presented. The analysis of the results of empirical research allows to identify motivating and demotivating factors for officers.

Originality/value - A comparison of selected areas of human resources management in the Police,  the Border Guard and the Customs and Fiscal Service was made. The similarities and differences appearing in this respect were pointed out. Recommendations regarding motivating officers were presented


uniformed services, officer, Police, Border Guard, Customs Service, human resource management, motivators, selection of employees

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Date of publication: 2019-03-02 12:20:04
Date of submission: 2019-01-04 19:36:10


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