B2B Customers Buying Behavior

Mieczysław Pawłowski, Zbigniew Pastuszak


Purpose – The presented paper aims to characterize the main differences and similarities between B2B as well as the commercial customers buying behaviors. Design/Methodology/Approach – The authors’ approach is based on the literature and research review, concerning the B2B customers buying behaviors. The authors assess buying behavior of professional clients. Findings – Based on the analysis, we can find out that the use of electronic means of cooperation between the companies continues to grow in strength and dynamics. It seems that the distribution model, where the supplier runs his own B2B shop, maintains its position only in case of strong market players. Small and weak players will use the universal marketplaces. We observe growing “self-service with everything”; providers will pass on to buyers and systems, most actions which they can perform by themselves. Practical implications – The outcome of the analysis can teach managers to act on the B2B electronic markets, how to organise the multi-channel sale systems and how these systems can be used by both, commercial and business customers. Original value – The original value of the paper is that we have presented the general analysis of possible future expectations of B2B business customers, as well as those customers buying behaviors which regard to the use of the omnichannel sale. Article type – Research and literature general review.


Keywords – B2B customers, omnichannel, value, e-commerce

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ijsr.2016.5.0.19
Date of publication: 2017-05-23 10:49:38
Date of submission: 2017-05-23 10:04:49


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