Cross-Border in the E-Commerce as Exemplified by the Baltic Countries
Intensification of activities in the field of e-commerce causes blurring of the boundaries of commercial space in the physical sense. As a result of globalization, organizations increasingly operating In a virtual space, use it to a greater extent and pass in a number of areas of its activities from the so-called “offline” to the “online” world.
The article deals with the subject of the phenomenon of cross-border, with particular emphasis on its importance In e-commerce. The analysis has been subjected to the current situation on the e-commerce market, as well as the latest trends and prospects for development of this sector. Next, there was characterized the concept of cross-border while pointing forecasted trends of its development and the existing barriers. The article ends with an analysis of the use of cross-border e-commerce in business practice.
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Date of publication: 2018-04-25 11:09:24
Date of submission: 2017-04-11 22:48:15
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