The Implications of Information Technology Infrastructure for Key Performance Indicators of University Libraries – Results of the Preliminary Analysis
The objective of the article is to determine the impact of information infrastructure on the functional indicators of university libraries. In the studies, the results of which were presented in the article, there was made a comparison between a group of 32 information infrastructure indicators with all functional indicators and the occurrence of convergence or divergence between them was examined. The aspects of library quality assessment were indicated and described, as well as the most important national and international standards regarding functional indicators. Next, the own research methodology was presented in details, comparative analysis and method of distance and pattern analysis were used as well as the results of the preliminary analysis carried out. In connection with the use of the original research method, the article provides a new perspective on research into the impact of information infrastructure on the functionality of university libraries. Preliminary studies have shown that technical and economics universities are better equipped with information infrastructure than those with a humanistic profile.
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Date of publication: 2018-04-25 11:09:18
Date of submission: 2017-12-17 20:15:56
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