Counteracting Violence Against The Elderly: Proposal A Model Solution

Adam Alfred Zych


The article presents a comprehensive system of prevention of violence against the elderly people, which includes four integrally connected areas: education, mass media, the state and the law. The fifth component is science (research, diagnosis, surveys, concepts, paradigms and theories) which can be a kind of a staple binding together the items of prophylaxis mentioned above. The knight-errant syndrome is also discussed, when sincere intentions to help can turn against the harmed person. Therefore, while seeking preventive action to eliminate violence against the elderly from family and/or public life, one should be aware of the aforementioned syndrome so as not to worsen the situation of the victims of violence.


elder abuse; elder maltreatment; violence; violence against the elderly; violence prevention

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Date of publication: 2020-10-23 11:33:54
Date of submission: 2020-09-23 10:49:43


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