Becoming an Urban Cyclist. Mobility Biographies of Bicycle Commuters

Michał Nowakowski


This article presents the results of semi-structured interviews with eight individuals whose primary or significant mode of transportation in the city is the bicycle. The purpose of the analysis was to describe the trajectory of becoming an urban cyclist. During the interview, three stages of bicycle use emerged: childhood, high school, and college and work. These stages were somewhat more clearly separated by interviewees, who were also able to distinguish periods of cycling and noncycling. At the same time, the beginning of a new stage may represent one of the key moments when survey participants may give up cycling (especially the start of high school) or take up the activity anew (e.g., children entering a period of greater independence). In addition, the start of cycling for transportation purposes may be easier to think about for those accustomed to physical activity, and especially for those cycling for recreational or sporting purposes. The city’s bike-sharing system can be a significant factor in initiating the practice of cycling for people who did not own bicycles and/or have not used them for many years.


Urban cyclists; bicycle commuters; mobility biographies; retrospective study

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Date of publication: 2024-10-25 09:55:18
Date of submission: 2024-03-15 08:27:46


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