Spatial variability of macroelements in soils in the Lier River valley (Buskerud Region, Southern Norway)

Paweł Sowiński et al.


The total content and relationships between macroelements (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, Fe and Al) and soil properties along the soil catena in the hilly valley of Lier River, S Norway, are discussed in the paper. The upper and middle part of the Lier River valley is covered with Stagnic Phaeozems formed from silt loam and sandy loam. In some parts of middle slope, Haplic Phaeozems (Anocolluvic) formed from silt loam and sandy loam occurred. The flat areas in the lower part of slope were covered with Mollic Gleysols formed from silt and silt loam. The average total amounts of macroelements were not high: Ca – 4.04g kg -1, Mg – 4.34g kg -1, K – 4.31 g kg -1, Na – 0.53 g kg -1, Fe – 19.05 g kg -1, Mn – 0.32 g kg -1 and Al – 20.22 g kg -1. These total amounts showed little vertical and horizontal variance in the soil profiles. The principal component analysis showed that the total amounts of elements in analysed soils was dependent mainly on sand and silt, and the similarity of soil horizons, in the cluster analysis, proves the translocation of macroelements was probable.


macroelements, soil erosion, soil catena, slope

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Date of publication: 2020-12-26 01:25:51
Date of submission: 2020-11-18 12:33:05


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