Toposequence and Properties of Soils in the Hilly Landscape of Lier (Buskerud Region, South Norway)

Paweł Sowiński


The research was carried out in the hilly landscape in the Buskerud region, south Norway. The following soil toposequence was stated, beginning from the top of the slope: Epigleyic Pheozem (Siltic) – Cumullinovic Pheozem (Endosiltic) – Epigleyic Pheozem (Skeletic Endosiltic) – Cumullinovic Pheozem (Siltic) – Mollic Gleysol (Siltic). The soils had a silt loam and sandy loam texture with a substantial admixture of gravel. The material was poorly sorted with a lepto – and platykurtic texture distribution. The amounts of organic matter, organic carbon, as well as total nitrogen and phosphorus did not show catenal changes.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-27 12:11:43
Date of submission: 2015-04-21 07:15:58


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