The Question of Civil Rights in the Views of Robert von Mohl

Paweł Lesiński


The main object of the presented article is to prove that, according to Robert von Mohl’s views on the idea of civil rights, he should be classified as the exponent of moderate early German liberalism. The first section of the study drafts a background for its next two parts. It presents the socio-political circumstances of the German states from the beginning of the 19th century to the developments of the Springtime of the Peoples. The analysis of the German scholar views on the citizenship’s idea in the context of the Rechtsstaat and basic rights notion is undertaken in the second part of the article. In the third part, it is proved, that von Mohl was a thinker who chose the path of the “golden mean”. Regarding the citizen’s position in state, on the one hand, he proposed a substantial catalogue of civil rights. On the other hand, he didn’t support the idea of universal political rights.


Robert von Mohl; early German liberalism; legal state; civil rights; Springtime of the Peoples



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Date of publication: 2021-03-31 14:40:26
Date of submission: 2020-01-20 13:11:28


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