Organisation of the National System of Cybersecurity: Selected Issues

Mirosław Karpiuk


The issues discussed in this paper concern cybersecurity. The threats present in cyberspace are becoming increasingly difficult to detect, and their prevention requires not only knowledge and special equipment, but also considerable financial resources. As such, the State has to put a great deal of effort (both institutional and financial) into cybersecurity measures directed against attacks. In order to meet the challenges connected with ensuring cybersecurity, the legislators have undertaken the regulation of such issues by adopting laws on the national cybersecurity system to allow the responsible authorities to properly secure cyberspace against threats. As part of the national cybersecurity system, lawmakers have imposed a number of obligations on public entities to ensure that information systems are resistant to actions which compromise the confidentiality, integrity, accessibility, and authenticity of processed data, and the related services offered by such systems. Appropriate obligations have also been exacted on the operators of essential services (OES), i.e. services key to maintaining critical social or economic activities which are included in the list of essential services.


cybersecurity; information systems; cyberspace; essential services; national cybersecurity system

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Date of publication: 2021-06-30 23:18:56
Date of submission: 2021-01-23 18:42:52


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