The General Government (1939–1945) – Barriers in Presenting Its True History (on the Example of Two Crucial Publications from the Years 2014–2015)

Andrzej Wrzyszcz


Scientific research on the political system, legal system, economic and population situation etc. of the General Government in the years 1939–1945 is very advanced but there still appear barriers restricting the full objectivity of its results. The paper presents doubts concerning the overall credibility of two crucial publications from 2014–2015. To summarise, it would be worth stressing that both analysed books undoubtedly contributed to broadening our view of this difficult period in Polish history. However, the necessity of careful reading and drawing proper conclusions taking into consideration objective limitations the Authors had to face should also be mentioned here.


the General Government; occupation; political system; legal system courts

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Date of publication: 2017-01-30 09:59:43
Date of submission: 2016-06-09 13:50:14


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