Governing Bodies of the National Assembly in the French Vth Republic

Grzegorz Michał Pastuszko


The article describes the legal rules referring to the internal management organs of National Assembly in France. In its following parts deliberations devoted to three key organs: the president of the Assembly, the presidium and the conference of the presidents. The primary research objectives that the author shoots for are: 1) performing the current legal status of these organs, 2) ordering and classifying the competences that they have to disposal, 3) showing basic differences between the previous solutions and the solutions that were applied by the reform of parliamentary system throughout last couple of years, starting from 2008, 4) answering the question whether the changes, that have been made, create a new, unknown in the Vth Republic, model of internal management of the National Assembly or they just correct to certain extent the current model. 


internal organs; model of the parliamentary internal management; National Assembly; president; bureau and conference of the president

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Date of publication: 2016-02-08 13:03:45
Date of submission: 2015-05-13 23:54:46


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