Grounds for the Deletion from the List of Attorneys-at-Law in the Context of Their Impact on the Right to Practice the Profession and the Membership of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law
The article provides an analysis concerning grounds for the deletion from the list of attorneys-at-law in Poland. The author distinguishes two spheres within the status of attorney-at-law: 1) the right to practice as an attorney-at-law and 2) the membership of the professional self-government of attorneys-at-law. Individual grounds are assessed in terms of the impact of their occurrence on both these spheres. The article discusses the effect caused by resolutions on the deletion from the list of attorneys-at-law, adopted as a result of emergence of the statutory grounds for the deletion in each of these spheres.
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Date of publication: 2019-12-02 17:42:52
Date of submission: 2018-11-20 23:01:30
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