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The purpose of this study is to analyze legal issues related to the scope of adjudication in cases of pecuniary compensation for the harm suffered, especially in a situation in which the party objected that the injured party contributed to the damage, and in a situation in which the claim submitted in the lawsuit was of a lower amount than the potentially “adequate compensation”. The principle of ne eat iudex ultra petita partium means that the court may decide only on what is claimed submitted by the party requesting legal protection. The scope of the requested legal protection thus sets the boundaries of the subject of the decision. At the same time, the assumption that there should be complete agreement between the subject of the proceedings and the subject of the ruling, i.e. what covers the subject of the decision, should be considered correct. As a result, it must be recognized that there are a close relationship and interdependence between limiting the court with what is claimed and the subject matter of the dispute. In determining the claim, the plaintiff thus sets the boundaries of the subject of the dispute, and limiting the court with what is claimed is tantamount to limiting the subject of the dispute.
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Date of publication: 2020-09-30 22:31:57
Date of submission: 2019-09-25 13:15:59
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