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Author Guidelines

Authors are expected to submit manuscripts using the templates provided below:

  1. Template of the article / Szablon artykułu
  2. Template of the commentary on a judicial decision (gloss) / Szablon glosy
  3. Template of the review article / Szablon artykułu recenzyjnego
  4. Template of the scientific conference report / Szablon sprawozdania z konferencji 

§ 1

  1. The Editorial Board accepts the following texts for publication: scientific articles, commentaries on judicial decisions (glosses), reviews and reports from scientific conferences.
  2. The journal does not charge any payment for the publication of the text. This means that the author does not have to pay any costs for any of the stages of the publishing process from submission of the manuscript to publication of his/her text.

§ 2

The Editorial Board only accepts the texts in an electronic form, in the Microsoft Word format, to be submitted via www.adraim...

§ 3

All texts submitted for publication are verified using the iThenticate plagiarism checker. The report from the verification is made available to reviewers by the Editorial Board, without revealing the identity of the Author. 

§ 4

  1. When submitting a text for publication, the Author shall specify his/ her:
    1. first and last name;
    2. degree or title;
    3. affiliation (university, faculty, address, country, phone number);
    4. e-mail address;
    5. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which can be obtained by registering at
    6. Along with the manuscript being submitted for publication, please attach a declaration of authorship and the percentage contribution to the publication according to Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement of ADR. Arbitration and Mediation. The scan of the declaration signed by the author/authors (PDF or JPEG) should be attached as a supplementary file.

§ 5

The Editorial Board may reject a submitted manuscript before sending it for review, in particular where the submitted manuscript is not compatible with the profile of the journal, does not meet the requirements regarding the content, footnotes, text volume, language, abstract, keywords and references referred to in the following sections, or lacks the elements specified in § 4.


§ 6

  1. The scientific article should present a specific scientific issue in an original and creative, problem-focused or comprehensive way.
  2. The volume of the scientific article should have the size of not less than 0.5 publisher's sheet (20 thousand characters/spaces with footnotes, the abstract, keywords and references) and not more than 1 publisher's sheet (40 thousand characters/spaces with footnotes, the abstract, key words and references).
  3. The scientific article should, as far as possible, consist of separate parts, according to the IMRAD (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion) structure.
  4. The author should specifically include in the structure of the content of the scientific article the following components: I. Introduction; II. Research methods; III. Research and Results; IV. Discussion and Conclusions.
  5. The author may divide individual parts into sections, in particular the Research and Results part. Individual parts or sections of the article, including the Research and Results part, should have headings.
  6. The introduction should specify, in particular: the purpose and subject matter of the article; the essence of the problem; research hypotheses; the state of the research (review of the literature on the field); novelty of the discussion. In the introduction, the author may also specify the research methods, especially in the case of dogmatic-legal texts.
  7. The methodological part should constitute a description of the research methods and techniques used, subject to paragraph 6 in fine
  8. The research part should, in particular, constitute a description of the research process and present the results obtained, along with elements of new knowledge.
  9. The Discussion and Conclusions should: 1) present the theses and answer the questions stated in the introduction; 2) emphasize the elements of new knowledge; 3) refer to the research results of other scientists; 4) determine the impact or significance of the study carried out, in particular in the area of law.
  10. The author of the article shall appropriately take into account in his research the relevant sources and literature on the subject, in particular bibliographic items listed on Scopus and Web of Science.

§ 7 [Abstract]

  1. The author shall attach to the article an abstract in English and Polish.
  2. The foreign author shall attach to the article an abstract in English. In this case the translation into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.
  3. The abstract should have 100 to 250 words.
  4. The abstract of the article should specify:
  5. the nature of the article:
    1. scientific and research,
    2. conceptual,
    3. methodological;
    4. the subject matter of the research as a scientific problem, and its substantiation;
    5. main theses;
    6. the aim of the research;
    7. originality of research results;
    8. scope of research (national, EU-wide, international);
    9. cognitive value for science or practice.

§ 8 [Keywords]

  1. The author shall attach to the article keywords in English and Polish. The foreign author shall attach to the article keywords in English.  In this case the translation of the keywords into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  2. The Author should specify 3 to 6 keywords.

§ 9 [References]

  1. The author attaches to the text the references for the article.
  2. The following items shall be distinguished in the References: Literature; Legal acts; Case law. For articles on legal history, Archival Sources must also be identified. 
  3. The literature should be arranged alphabetically by the author's name (Karpiuk M. Kostrubiec J., The Voivodeship Governor’s Role in Health Safety, "Studia Iuridica Lublinensia" 2018, no. 2) or the title, for the publication under editorship (e.g. The Council of Europe: Pioneer and Guarantor for Human Rights and Democracy, ed. R. Kicker, Strasbourg 2010; Niezespolona administracja rządowa, ed. M. Czuryk, M. Karpiuk, J. Kostrubiec, Warszawa 2011).
  4. Legal acts should be arranged alphabetically and chronologically within a given category of sources of law. Example: Act of 8 March 1990 on Municipal Self-Government (consolidated text Journal of Laws 2019, item 506 as amended); Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997, No. 78, item 483 as amended); Constitution of the Republic of Armenia of 5 July 1995, [access: 28.12.2019]; Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (OJ L 37 of 13.2.2003, p. 19).
  5. Case-law must be arranged chronologically. Example: Judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 6 June 2006, K 23/05, OTK-A 2006, No. 6, item 62; Judgement of the Supreme Court of 14 February 2003, IV CKN 1779/00, OSNC 2004, No. 5, item 75.
  6. References should be drawn up using the Latin alphabet (Roman Script References). Where sources written in other scripts (e.g. Cyrillic, Devanagari) are cited, the Editorial Board requires their transliteration (not phonetic transcription). Authors should apply the English transliteration of non-Latin scripts according to the rules adopted by the Library of Congress (

§ 10 [Language]

  1. Scientific articles are published in Polish and English.
  2. The author attaches the text of the article in one Microsoft Word file, which includes two language versions: English and Polish.
  3. The English-language text shall constitute the original version of the article.
  4. The author may only submit an article in English if he/she does not have the Polish-language version.
  5. The Editorial Board may decide to publish a scientific article in French or German if this is justified by the research subject matter of the paper.
  6. The Editorial Board recommends that the text in a foreign language be linguistically preliminarily corrected by a native speaker prior to submitting for publication.


§ 11

  1. The commentary on a judicial decision (gloss) shall constitute a scientific commentary on a specific ruling.
  2. The volume of the commentary should not be less than 0.5 publisher's sheet (20 thousand characters/spaces with footnotes, the abstract, key words and references) and not more than 1 publisher's sheet (40 thousand characters/spaces with footnotes, the abstract, key words and references).
  3. The commentary (gloss) should concern, in particular, judgements that address controversial, ground-breaking problems, relevant for the development of judicial practice.
  4. The commentary (gloss) shall include:
  5. a brief description of the legal problem addressed in the ruling, and its practical and theoretical significance;
  6. a critical analysis of the court's reasoning;
  7. a conclusion of theoretical and/or practical importance.
  8. The commentary may contain a brief description of the course of the proceedings, but only to the extent as necessary to demonstrate the legal problem.

§ 12 [Abstract]

  1. The author shall attach to the commentary (gloss) an abstract in English and Polish.
  2. The foreign author shall attach to the commentary (gloss) an abstract in English. In this case the translation into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  3. The abstract should have 100 to 250 words.
  4. The abstract should specify:
    1. the nature of the commentary:
    2. disapproving,
    3. partially approving (substantially disapproving, with elements of approval),
    4. partially disapproving (substantially approving with elements of criticism),
    5. approving;
      1. the research problem with a synthesis of the factual and legal status;
      2. main theses;
      3. originality of the results;
      4. cognitive value for science or practice.

§ 13 [Keywords]

  1. The author shall attach to the commentary (gloss) keywords in English and Polish. The foreign author shall attach to the commentary (gloss) keywords in English. In this case the translation of the keywords into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  2. The Author should specify 3 to 6 keywords.

§ 14 [References]

  1. The author shall attach the references to the text.
  2. The references should be arranged as set out in § 9.

§ 15 [Language]

  1. The commentaries (glosses) shall be published in Polish or in English.
  2. The Editorial Board may decide to publish the commentary (gloss) in French or German if this is justified by the research subject matter.
  3. The Editorial Board recommends that the text in a foreign language be linguistically preliminarily corrected by a native speaker prior to submitting for publication.


§ 16

The review should constitute a critical analysis and assessment of the scientific publication concerned.

§ 17 [Abstract]

  1. The author shall attach to the review an abstract in English and Polish.
  2. The foreign author shall attach to the review an abstract in English. In this case the translation into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  3. The abstract should have 50 to 100 words.
  4. The abstract of the review should specify:
    1. the subject matter and significance of the reviewed item for science or practice;
    2. the assessment of methodological correctness of the reviewed item;
    3. the assessment of logical correctness of the reviewed item;
    4. the assessment of originality of the reviewed item;
    5. the reviewer's conclusions.

§ 18 [Keywords]

  1. The author shall attach to the review keywords in English and Polish. The foreign author shall attach to the review keywords in English. In this case the translation of the keywords into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  2. The Author should specify 3 to 6 keywords.

§ 19 [References]

  1. The author shall attach the references to the text if required by the nature of the review.
  2. The references should be arranged as set out in § 9.

§ 20 [Language]

  1. Reviews shall be published in Polish or in English.
  2. The Editorial Board may decide to publish the review in French or German if this is justified by the research subject matter.
  3. The Editorial Board recommends that the text in a foreign language be linguistically preliminarily corrected by a native speaker prior to submitting for publication.


§ 21

The conference report should specify the subject matter and aim of the conference and present the theses or elementary content of the papers presented at the conference.

§ 22 [Abstract]

  1. The author shall attach to the report an abstract in English and Polish.
  2. The foreign author shall attach to the report an abstract in English. In this case the translation into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  3. The abstract should have 50 to 100 words.
  4. The abstract of the report should specify:
    1. the subject matter, date and place of the conference;
    2. the subject matter and aim of the conference;
    3. the importance of the conference for science or practice.

§ 23 [Keywords]

  1. The author shall attach to the report keywords in English and Polish. The foreign author shall attach to the report keywords in English. In this case the translation of the keywords into Polish shall be provided by the Editorial Board.  
  2. The Author should specify 3 to 6 keywords.

§ 24 [References]

  1. The author shall attach the references to the text if required by the nature of the report.
  2. The references should be arranged as set out in § 9.

§ 25 [Language]

  1. Reports shall be published in Polish or in English.
  2. The Editorial Board may decide to publish the report in French or German if this is justified by the research subject matter.
  3. The Editorial Board recommends that the text in a foreign language be linguistically preliminarily corrected by a native speaker prior to submitting for publication.


§ 26

  1. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pts., spacing 1,5, margins 2,5 x 2,5 cm.
  2. Citation in the text body is in double quotes, no italics. Only citations longer than one sentence are separated; use font 10 pts. and single spacing.
  3. Titles of books and articles are written in italics, e.g. The Council of Europe: Pioneer and Guarantor for Human Rights and Democracy.
  4. Titles of newspapers and journals are written in double quotes, no italics, e.g. “ADR. Arbitration and Mediation”.
  5. “French” quotes can be used: «...», e.g. “The ratio of our resources to the power of partition countries – E. Piltz wrote – is constructed in such a way that the words «armed fight» sound today like a bloody irony of our powerlessness”.
  6. A dot is placed after quotation marks, e.g. “The proceedings governed by the Act may be initiated only upon an application submitted by the entities specified in the Act”.
  7. Comments shall be in square brackets followed by initials of their author, e.g. “A federal state without a constitutional court [is not - author’s note. J.K.] a state ruled by law in the full sense [of this term - author’s note. J.K.]”.
  8. Shortening a cited fragment of a text must be signalled by suspension points in square brackets: […].
  9. Foreign words are written in italics, e.g. stricte. 
  10. Footnotes – traditional Latin system.
  11. Numbers: - give a full date, e.g. May 12, 2001. - the spelling of the terms "age", "year": a) before – written in full, for example: in the sixteenth century, in the year 1928; b) after- abbreviated, i.e. in the 16th century, in 1928 - decades – e.g. in the forties (not: in 40’ or 40ties). - percentages - fifty percent.
  12. Provide DOI numbers for references if available.


§ 27

  1. Special issues are published in order to present specific research problems that are innovative, particularly topical and contribute to filling the cognitive gap in the social sciences area.
  2. The Editorial Board may, on an exceptional basis, decide to release a jubilee book in the form of special issue.

§ 28

  1. A special issue of the journal may be published as part of the regular publishing schedule or as an additional issue.
  2. A decision on the publication of a special issue shall be made by the Editorial Board of ADR. Arbitration and Mediation in consultation with the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Publishing House (Wydawnictwo UMCS).
  3. The publication of a special issue must not result in delays in publication and must not affect the schedule of publication of regular issues of the journal.

§ 29

  1. The supervision over all stages of the publishing process from the phase of submission of papers till the moment of release of the special issue is exercised by the Editorial Board of ADR. Arbitration and Mediation.
  2. All decisions made by guest editors related to the publishing process need to be accepted by the Editorial Board of ADR. Arbitration and Mediation. 
  3. All papers submitted for publication in a special issue are subject to the same publication requirements as regular issues published by the journal, referred to in § 6 - § 10 of the Guidelines for Authors.
  4. All papers submitted for publication in a special issue are subject to the same reviewing requirements (double-blind review process) as regular issues. The peer-review process has been described in detail on the website of ADR. Arbitration and Mediation under the tab Peer Review Process.
  5. A paper in a special issue may also be authored or co-authored by a Guest Editor. In such a situation, in order to ensure a double-blind review process, reviewers shall be appointed by the Editor-in-Chief in cooperation with the Managing Editor or the Head of the Editorial Board in consultation with the Editorial Board members. Where necessary, the relevant members of the Academic Advisory Board shall be consulted.

§ 30

Proposals concerning special issue topics and guest editors should be submitted with justification to the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The text has been prepared using “ADR. Arbitration and Mediation” template.
  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  5. The separate files attached contain editable (vector graphics) pictures and charts, of 300 DPI resolution at a minimum, in the JPEG, PDF and TIF formats. If the charts are made in MS Excel, please attach also .xlsx files.
  6. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  7. You have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  8. Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.


Copyright Notice

Full copyright statement can be read here


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