An over 200-Year Environmental Change Record from the Highly Impacted Small, Hardwater Lake Pniówno (Chełm Hills)
The paper presents the results of paleoecological and chemical analyzes of bottom sediments of the small hardwater lake Pniówno. In the sediment profile of undisturbed structure, remains of subfossil Cladocera were analyzed, as well as the content of total organic carbon, carbonates and silica (with separation of terrigenous and biogenic fractions). The age of sediments was determined by dating with the 210Pb method. In addition, changes in the surface water network and catchment area were analyzed based on archival maps, covering the period from the beginning of the 19th century to modern times. Despite the widespread view of the deteriorating state of surface waters as a result of increased anthropogenic pressure, the example of the shallow Pniówno Lake indicates a periodic improvement in the state of water during the time covered by the analysis. This was probably caused by hydrological and climatic changes enabling the development of submerged macrophytes as well as settlement decline during the First World War.
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Date of publication: 2019-11-26 11:06:41
Date of submission: 2019-11-09 18:04:02
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