Institutions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Lublin in Stanisław August’s Times – Comments in Connection with Kamil Jakimowicz’s Book “Instytucje państwowe i samorządowe w życiu mieszkańców Lublina w latach 1764–1794” (Lublin 2020, pp. 534)

Witold Filipczak


The article concerns Kamil Jakimowicz’s book Instytucje państwowe i samorządowe w życiu mieszkańców Lublina w latach 1764–1794 (State and Local Government Institutions in the Life of the Inhabitants of Lublin in 1764–1794). Some doubts may be raised by the selection of the institutions that have been analyzed. The sejmiks in Lublin and the Lublin land court are not included. The author did not take into account the proposals made by the nobility of the Lublin Voivodeship regarding this city. The book gives a reliable picture of the activities of the discussed institutions. Information relating to their origins and competences is also included. The monograph by K. Jakimowicz was written on the basis of an extensive archival and library query. In the review article, some detailed information provided in the reviewed book was corrected, which mainly concerns the dating of laws passed by the Great Sejm. Regardless of the above-mentioned defects, the monograph by K. Jakimowicz should be considered an important scientific achievement that will be useful to historians dealing with the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski.


Lublin; local government institutions; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Great Sejm; Stanisław August Poniatowski

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Date of publication: 2022-12-30 12:39:06
Date of submission: 2022-11-02 13:21:47


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