“[…] always aiming to educate alongside entertainment.” Ekphrasis of Paintings by Klementyna Hoffmanowa née Tańska in the Process of Women's Aesthetic Education in the First Half of the 19th Century

Magdalena Zaremba


The article focusses on ekphrasis in fragments of Memories from a trip to foreign countries. In letters to Helenka T. [Wspomnienia z podróży w obce kraje. W listach do Helenki T.] of Klementyna Hoffmanowa née Tańska. Using the method of inter-artistic analysis of a literary text and an artwork, the author of the article shows the role of paintings in Hoffmanowa’s educational guide for girls at the beginning of the 19th century – not only artistic, but above all an ethical exemplum. In order to disseminate the highest moral values, Tańska-Hoffmanowa added excerpts from the Bible to her synthetic descriptions of the works of Giorgione, Titian and. Ekphrasis composed in this way seems to be a continuation of the tradition of literary journey, periegesis, and apodemics. They remain a special testimony to the aesthetic formation of women in the Romantic period, rhetorical traditions in illustrating descriptions or various influences between the arts.


ekphrasis; Romanticism; artworks descriptions; literature of the 19th century; Klementyna z Tańskich Hoffmanowa

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ff.2024.42.1.29-41
Date of publication: 2024-12-13 15:10:22
Date of submission: 2024-02-15 14:09:22


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