Conceptualization of the Notion of “Hope” in French and Polish Autonymous Forms – a Cognitive Study

Magdalena Zofia Lipińska


The method used to describe the conceptualization of the notion of hope in French and in Polish is cognitive, as represented by G. Lakoff, M. Johnson, W. R. Langacker and E. Rosch. The analyzed corpus consists of Polish and French quotations. The distinguished conceptual metaphors that describe the notion of hope refer to a number of cognitive models, including the Ideal Cognitive Model (ICM) of hope, as well as to the Typical Cognitive Model (TCM). Hypo-hyperonymic relations found between cognitive metaphors as well as semantic universals belonging to metaphor source domains in two compared languages have been identified. The prototypical proverb about hope in each language has been identified as well.


hope; Ideal Cognitive Model (ICM); metaphor; French quotations; Polish quotations; cognitive linguistics

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Date of publication: 2024-12-30 10:38:15
Date of submission: 2024-04-13 21:47:26


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