"From morphe to mecha" – Variations on the Humanity in the Prose of Jacek Dukaj
The article tries to present the works of Jacek Dukaj as depictions of the human identity. The language analysis was crucial to show the human being in different timespans including the post - apocalyptic world. Posing some universal questions about the human being's place in the world , his/her role in shaping of reality and his/her cognitive and communication skills, was essential to find out more about the author of such prose works as "Lód" or "Starość aksalota". Alternative historical visions, distant future, post-humanoid beings, transhumanism are only the tools enabling to present the human identity.
The article constitutes an attempt to present the works of Jacek Dukaj as depictions of the human identity. The language analysis was crucial to show the human being in different timespans including the post-apocalyptic world. Posing some universal questions about the human being’s place in the world, his/her role in shaping of reality and his/her cognitive and communication skills, was essential to find out more about the author of such prose works as Ice (Polish: Lód) or The Old Axolotl (Polish: Starość aksolotla). Alternative historical visions, the distant future, post-humanoid beings, transhumanism are only the tools enabling to present the human identity.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ff.2017.35.1.115
Date of publication: 2018-02-23 11:12:27
Date of submission: 2016-12-16 19:22:49
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