Store Price Image – the Power of Perception

Ilona Bondos


The purpose of the article is to indicate the complexity of the store price image – its variously identified dimensions and dynamic character. This topic is extremely important for the effectiveness of brand store management and brand store competitiveness. The fact that the store price image is based on perception rather than reality does not facilitate the process of creating desirable store price image. In the article the results of a literature review are presented, and the final part of the paper contains some practical conclusions. Focusing on this topic is due to the significant changes in the store formats in Polish retailing.
Purpose – The purpose of the article is to indicate the complexity of the store price image – its variously identified dimensions and dynamic character. This topic is extremely important for the effectiveness of brand store management.
Design/Methodology/Approach – Literature review.
Findings – The fact that the store price image is based on perception rather than reality, does not facilitate the process of creating desirable price store image – on the contrary. Proper and effective management of store price image requires a thorough knowledge of price management. So many different aspects are behind this area of marketing activities that managers become necessary to enter into related areas – e.g. consumer behavior psychology. Since the process of shaping the price image by consumers is a dynamic process, the management of price image cannot be perceived as static.
Originality/Value – The main value of the article involves indication of complexity of the image price and thus difficulty of managing it. An overview of various approaches to the understanding of the price image, which is presented in the article, can facilitate an extremely demanding process of store price image management. Due to the current changes on the Polish retail market, it seems necessary to update the existing scientific achievements in the field of image price.


store price image, price perception, reference price

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Date of publication: 2017-05-23 10:49:39
Date of submission: 2017-05-23 10:07:57


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