The competence of the UN specialized agencies to adopt law-making resolutions

Małgorzata Rzeszutko-Piotrowska


In the twenty-first century international relations are a  complex picture of changing processes, which participate in the subjects of international law. These include the UN specialized agencies. Legislative competence of the UN specialized agencies have a  different character than the power to make recommendations or other non-binding resolutions included by some authors to soft law. There is a  small number of UN specialized agencies, which is law-making powers such as the WHO, WMO, ICAO. Therefore, this issue should not be marginalized, because it is very important for international law, especially in the context of such fundamental issues as inter alia the concept of “law-making resolutions”, the concept of competence and source of international organizations to adopt law-making resolutions, and place of law-making resolutions of the UN specialized agencies in the directory of sources of international law.


United Nations; legislative resolution; skills; specialized agencies

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Date of publication: 2013-11-18 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2015-07-18 07:57:07


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