Democracy – selected aspects of definitional and argumentative problems

Ewelina Waśko-Owsiejczuk


This article is an overview of the main definitional and argumentative problems of the debate on democracy. The paper presents not only the complexity of the concept of democracy, but also analyzes the main arguments in the discussion of the fundamental principles on which modern states base their activities. In addition, reference was made to indicators of the quality of democracy, based on the latest Freedom House reports: “Freedom in the world 2022” and Economist Group: “Democracy Index 2021,”which are used to measure the level of democracy in individual countries, while showing the progressive trends of retreat from democracy in various regions around the world. The purpose of this article was to systematize knowledge in the area of the main definitional and argumentative problems of the debate on democracy and democratic principles, while confirming the thesis that the political system of a country is democratic to the extent to which the fundamental principles characteristic of democratic countries in the form of the sovereignty of the people, political pluralism, separation of powers and the rule of law are implemented in it. At the same time, in the 21st century, we can observe the intensification of a dangerous trend – an instrumental approach to the implementation of democratic principles and the misuse of the word “democracy”, which has become a useful slogan that helps pursue political and economic interests.


demokracja, demokratyzacja, zasady demokratyczne, wskaźniki jakości demokracji

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Date of publication: 2023-03-17 10:48:45
Date of submission: 2022-10-18 13:01:10


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