Niedokończony koncert dla Lublina. Wspomnienie o Beacie Dąbrowskiej (1960-2016)

Urszula Bobryk, Renata Gozdecka, Tomasz Jasiński

Streszczenie w języku polskim

Professor Beata Dąbrowska – a conductor, teacher, and organizer of musical life, highly merited for Lublin’s musical culture and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) – died on 14th March 2016. She was born on 5th January 1960 in Lublin, She attended the Karol Lipiński Music School in Lublin, and then studied at the Frederic Chopin Music Academy in Warsaw, from which she graduated in 1982 and received a Master of Music Degree in Choral Conducting. From 1982 until the end of her life she worked at the Institute of Music, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (until 2000 it was the Institute of Arts Education). In 1992 she received the first-grade qualification (today – a PhD equivalent) in the artistic discipline of conducting vocal and vocal-instrumental groups; in 1999 she received her second-grade qualification (now – a postdoctoral degree: Habilitated Doctor). In 2003 she was appointed Associate Professor of UMCS. In 2005 she became Head of the Institute of Music. She held this function till her death, combining it with multiple academic activities. At the same time she pursued her artistic activity. In 1987, together with her husband Dariusz Dąbrowski, she founded the Chamber Choir of the Henryk Wieniawski Music Society of Lublin, whose conductor she was for almost 30 years. She and the Choir gave several dozen vocal-instrumental concerts and over 300 concerts a cappella; they took part in many festivals and competitions in other countries and won awards and honors. Most often she performed in Lublin at religious and official state ceremonies, various jubilees, or anniversaries; many times she took part in Lublin concert series (inter alia Ars Chori, Spotkania Chórów Akademickich [Meetings of Academic Choirs]), she also gave concerts in other towns ( e.g. in Gdańsk, Grudziądz, Olsztyn, Toruń, Wrocław). She was engaged in many initiatives of Lublin’s music culture and, at the same time, she improved her skills (in 1990 she completed Podyplomowe Studium Chórmistrzowskie [Postgraduate Choirmaster Training Program at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz]). In 1995 she initiated in Lublin Międzynarodowe Dni Muzyki Chóralnej (International Days of Choir Music). She organized concerts in Lublin for many years. She was awarded many times for her dedicated and invaluable work, the formation of Lublin’s cultural image, and for the promotion of Polish culture in Poland and abroad.

Słowa kluczowe

polska chóralistyka; dyrygent; pedagog

Pełny tekst:



B. Dąbrowska, Specyficzne relacje i zależności między współwykonawcami dzieła wokalno-instrumentalnego, [w:] Wieloaspektowe działania muzyczne we współczesnej rzeczywistości kulturowej, red. R. Gozdecka, Lublin 2014, s. 55-62.

Data publikacji: 2017-01-12 10:46:27
Data złożenia artykułu: 2016-12-11 12:10:36


Widoczność abstraktów - 633
Pobrania artykułów (od 2020-06-17) - PDF - 0


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Prawa autorskie (c) 2017 Tomasz Jasiński

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