Evolution of Forms of Deciding an Administrative Case

Janusz Niczyporuk


The issue of the forms of deciding an administrative case has not yet been analysed in a comprehensive manner. First of all, attention used to be paid to individual forms of deciding on an administrative case, namely: administrative decision, administrative ruling, administrative settlement and deciding an administrative case in a tacit manner. If there were collective generalizations made, they came down to administrative decision and administrative ruling, which are classified as classic administrative acts, while the recent introduction of non-typical forms of deciding an administrative case, i.e. administrative settlement and deciding an administrative case in a tacit manner, makes us re-consider the characteristics of their catalogue; in particular, it should be noted at this point that they constitute a substitute for an administrative decision, which is considered to be a classic administrative act. The evolution of the forms of deciding on an administrative case leads to the conclusion that their relationship with the administrative jurisdiction has ceased to be so obvious.


administrative decision; administrative jurisdiction; deciding an administrative case in a tacit manner; administrative ruling; administrative settlement; deciding on an administrative case



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2021.30.5.475-484
Date of publication: 2021-12-17 19:45:32
Date of submission: 2021-10-11 22:10:46


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