Ensuring Food Security under Military Conditions

Yuriy Shpak, Mariia Dehtiarenko, Yevheniia Fedorchuk, Oleksandr Fedorchuk


Food security is an objective necessity of the development of humanity under conditions of globalization and agro-food globalization. This notion becomes critical when ensuring food security under conditions of military law. The purpose of the article is to explain and improve theoretical and methodological grounds and to develop practical recommendations on the formation of the food security system of Ukraine, to disclose the essence of food security and to define its place in the system of economic security of the state and, on this basis, to deepen the interpretation of the term “food security system” in the war conditions. The authors argue that food security should be considered from the perspective of its economic importance, considering that it localizes the possibilities and strategic imperatives of public welfare. Under the food security system in the conditions of military law, we should understand the totality of organizational, economic, social, legal, information, scientific and innovative, environmentally oriented and other measures aimed at protecting the vital interests of people, community, region and state at the expense of physical, economic and social accessibility, safety and quality of food products, stability of food security of the population and food sovereignty. It was found that social partnership and civil solidarity in the conditions of war in the issues of managing the development of agriculture and food systems, environmental protection and old use of natural resources, as well as transparency of food security policy should be built into the system of principles of its ensuring.


food security; military law; military conflict; food security system; self-sufficiency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2024.33.4.31-41
Date of publication: 2024-12-23 16:38:18
Date of submission: 2024-01-13 17:56:53


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