Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Economic Activity

Nataliia Hrushchynska, Lyubov Shpak, Vitaly Kovalev, Tetiana Shepel


The article reveals, in addition to the issues of relations arising in the field of intellectual property in economic activity, the theoretical and legislative framework for intellectual property protection in Ukraine. It is determined that the state system of legal protection of intellectual property shows low efficiency in solving key problems and is unable to ensure the development of intellectual property as an important element of the innovative national economy of Ukraine. It is noted that due to the imperfect and inert system of public administration in the field of intellectual property legal protection, there is no significant progress in adapting the regulatory framework to modern conditions. Furthermore, it is shown that the global development of intellectual activity and intellectual property has revealed trends according to which these factors become a priority in the socio-economic development of any country, including Ukraine. It is emphasized that intellectual activity and its result, intellectual property, are in constant dynamics, and the adequacy of legal protection often does not keep pace with their development. It is indicated that Ukrainian legislation on intellectual property was created after gaining independence, since before that Ukraine did not have its own legislation on intellectual property. It is shown that this section of Ukrainian legislation is in constant dynamics – the legislator is constantly looking for ways and means to bring it in line with international standards, since the level of socio-economic development of Ukraine and, ultimately, the welfare of the people depend on proper legal protection of intellectual property.


intellectual property; legislation; property rights

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Date of publication: 2024-12-23 16:38:15
Date of submission: 2024-02-28 18:51:42


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