The Range of Diversification Among the Structures of the Partial Legal Capacity

Zdzisław Kubot


There is wide range of diversification among the structures of the partial legal capacity. In the field of the individual employment relationship with the employee who holds the function of the managing body of the dependent legal person, or as an organisational unit without legal personality the partial employability acknowledged to the founding business entity impose a limitation to the legal capacity of the direct employer. Within the collective employment relationship partial legal capacity is inhered to the dominant company as a founding employer (indirect employer toward dependent company that is direct employer). Partial employability of the dominant company involves parts, fragments of the laws defined in the Act 52, paragraph 2 RP Constitution. Partial employability of the dominant company does not restrict the purview of the employability of the dependent company.


partial legal capacity; individual employment relationship; collective employment relationship; indirect employer dominant company

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Date of publication: 2015-09-09 12:11:59
Date of submission: 2015-09-08 12:41:13


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