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Author Guidelines

Authors are expected to submit manuscripts using the templates provided below:

Template of the article / Szablon artykułu

Template of the commentary on a judicial decision (gloss) / Szablon glosy

When submitting the article for publication, the author is required to provide (apart from affiliation) an ORCID number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which can be obtained via registration at

  1. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pts., spacing 1,5, margins 2,5 x 2,5 cm.
  2. Citation in the text body is in double quotes, no italics. Only citations longer than one sentence are separated; use font 10 pts. and single spacing.
  3. Titles of books, poems, articles, movies, TV and radio programmes are written in italics, e.g. O zasadach ogólnych kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego.
  4. Titles of newspapers and journals are written in double quotes, no italics, e.g. „Prokuratura i Prawo”.
  5. “French” quotes can be used: «...», e.g. „The ratio of our resources to the power of partition countries – E. Piltz wrote – is constructed in such a way that the words «armed fight» sound today like a bloody irony of our powerlessness”.
  6. A dot is places after quotation marks in Polish, e.g. It shall be underlined that „The deed of partnership shall be executed in writing, otherwise it shall be null and void (Art. 23 § 1 CCC, Journal of Laws of 200, No. 94, Item 1037)”.
  7. Comments shall be in square brackets followed by initials of their author, e.g. During the Great War [with Teutonic Knights – author’s note. A. G.] many tragic events took place.
  8. Shortening a cited fragment of a text must be signalled by suspension points in square brackets: […].
  9. Foreign words are written in italics, e.g. stricte. 
  10. Footnotes – traditional Latin system or ABNT
  11. Numbers: - give a full date, e.g. May 12, 2001. - the spelling of the terms "age", "year": a) before – written in full, for example: in the sixteenth century, in the year 1928; b) after- abbreviated, i.e. in the 16th century, in 1928 - decades – e.g. in the forties (not: in 40’ or 40ties). - percentages – fifty percent.
  12. Provide DOI numbers for references if available. 

Referencing guidelines

  1. Footnotes are at the bottom of the page. Each footnote ends with a dot.
  2. Footnotes include a name initial and his/her surname, academic title (possibly the editorial office and translator), place and date of publishing, page: M. Weber, Gospodarka i społeczeństwo. Zarys socjologii rozumiejącej, przeł. D. Lachowska, Warszawa 2002, s. 223.
  3. When the Author is the same, use Idem or Eadem (in italics): M. Weber, Gospodarka i społeczeństwo. Zarys socjologii rozumiejącej, przeł. D. Lachowska, Warszawa 2002, s. 223. Idem,Polityka jako zawód i powołanie, przeł. A. Kopacki, Kraków 1998, s. 111.
  4.  If the work has been written by many authors, use Idem (meaning the same). When the Author is female, Eadem should be used.
  5. Books by one Author: If the same paper by the same author is cited again, use: A. Wysocki, Tajemnice dyplomatycznego sejfu, Warszawa 1974. A. Wysocki, op. cit., s. 134. If the Author is represented by more than one work: Z. Janowicz, Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego. Komentarz, op. cit., s. 27. When two references are made to the same text, use Ibidem: M. Eliade, Traktat o historii religii, Warszawa 1966, s. 155. Ibidem, s. 14.
  6. Edited volumes: Zawsze razem. Szkice współczesne, red. Z. Wnuk-Lipiński, Kraków 1995, s. 34–35.
  7. Articles from edited volumes: A. Czubiński, Miejsce Polski w hitlerowskich planach ustanowienia nowego porządku w Europie w latach 1934–1940, [w:] Miejsce Polski w niemieckich planach aneksji i podbojów 1914–1945, pod red. A. Czubińskiego, Opole 1991, s. 34–45.
  8. Book chapter when the Author is the same: M. Podraza-Kwiatkowska, Pojęcie symbolu, [w:] Symbolizm i symbolika w poezji Młodej Polski, Kraków 1994, s. 38.
  9. Article from a journal: J. Zdzitowiecki, Produktywizm jako motyw polityki gospodarczej faszyzmu, „Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” 1938, z. 1, s. 69–83.
  10. Archived: S. Baczyński, Litwa–Polska (1914–1927), mszp., Collection of document duplicates, the Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN), sign. 45, file 6, k. 16.
  11. Oral report of Wiktor Ulan form February 15, 1999 (recording in the Author’s collection).
  12. Internet materials: Title of the electronic version. Type of access. Information about access. Access protocol (if not): Place/Path/File. Date of access: B. Łagowski, Niechciany spadek, Access: September 14, 2011.
  13. Footnote number is placed before the dot ending a sentence.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. Additionally, you have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. Please note!

    Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.


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