Taxation of Assignment of Receivables with Tax on Goods and Services

Anna Karykowska


The issue of taxation of assignment of receivables in the light of tax on goods and services produces some doctrinal controversy. Decisions of tax authorities are patchy. On the one hand, this study raises the issue of taxation of assignment of receivables with tax on goods and services understood as factoring, including debt collection and other specified. On the other hand, exclusion of tax exemptions of assignment of receivables understood to mean other services in debt sphere. Furthermore, included will be information about where the current problems arise. The acts of universally binding law will form the basis for this study.


law; financial law; tax law; taxation of assignment of receivables; agreement on assignment of claims; assignment; value-added tax; tax on goods and services; VAT; VAT Directive

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Date of publication: 2017-06-18 18:27:12
Date of submission: 2016-07-21 13:18:12


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Copyright (c) 2017 Dyrektywa 2006/112/WE Rady z dnia 28 listopada 2006 r. w sprawie wspólnego systemu podatku od wartości dodanej (Dz.U. UE L.2006.347.1). Dyrektywa VAT. Polska perspektywa. Komentarz, red. R. Namysłowski, WKP 2012, LEX nr 8661. Lewińska U., Lenart T., Sku

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