Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax in Reverse Factoring

Monika Iżewska


The article presents the essence of reverse factoring with financial consequences in the nature of Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax. The important part of this paper are issues of taxation the parties of this contract. At the beginning author indicates the taxation of the factor and the customer of the factoring institution. The article also points out the legal status of the supplier of the goods who is an orginal creditor of the customer of the factoring institution. The author pays attention to the important elements which are characteristic for the income tax such like the source of revenue, the tax deductible expenses and the moment of occurrence of income. The author concludes that the reverse factoring is becoming more and more popular contract among the small and medium enterprises so it is worth to see into this contract in the income tax context.


reverse factoring; factor; personal income tax; corporate income tax

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Date of publication: 2017-06-18 18:27:16
Date of submission: 2016-07-31 10:42:19


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