Study of the Fall. The trial of Queen Anne Boleyn (1536)

Marcin Aleksander Faron


It is commonly known that the Anne Boleyn’s execution (May 1536) was a consequence of a violation of humanitarian norms governing criminal procedure in 16th century. By undermining the evidentiary side of the proceedings, the rules which English penal procedure was known for and which were applicable to state trials, including in the case of the Queen’s English process, are usually omitted. Although it is unquestionable that the law when it comes to crimes qualified as political, became a tool thanks to which the authority accomplished its goals. It can not be overlooked that the process of Anne Boleyn constructively remains identical with other similar proceedings that took place in the 16th century. Therefore, one should look at the events that led to the conviction of Anne Boleyn, not from the point of view of the current legal and axiological rules, but taking into account the historical and legal context.


Anne Boleyn; political trial; penal law; state trial; Anne Boleyn's trial; Magna Charta Libertatum; english law

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Date of publication: 2019-09-16 11:14:32
Date of submission: 2018-07-19 16:20:07


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