The Balkans and Their Visual Dimensions in Albrecht Wirth’s Book ‘Der Balkan. Seine Länder und Völker...’ (1914)

Nikolay Chernokozhev


The proposed reflections focus on two main issues: 1) the selection of visual materials in Dr. Albrecht Wirth’s book 'Der Balkan. Seine Länder und Völker in Geschichte, Kultur, Politik, Volkswirtschaft und Weltverkehr' (Stuttgart, 1914), and 2) the interaction between the visual and verbal representations of the Balkans in this work. The volume includes 79 illustrations, consisting of reproductions of paintings and photographs, as well as one map. The author concludes that the visual materials in the book reinforce the widely accepted notion of Balkan diversity. At the same time, within the book’s covers, Dr. Wirth’s personal perspectives and academic voice are interwoven with a range of visual styles that support and sometimes challenge his narrative. This approach creates a layered portrayal that preserves the complexity and internal dynamics of the Balkan image for a German-speaking audience in the early 20th century.


Balkans, visual images, verbal portrait, Albrecht Wirth

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Dix 1917: Dix, Arthur. Bulgarien. Richters Reiseführer, Bd. 116, 132 pp. Hamburg: Richters Reiseführer-Verlag, 1917.

Imshenetsky 1914: Imshenetsky, Boris. The Great Galician Battle. (Series: The Great World War, issue 6, 32 pp.). Petrograd, 1914. [In Russian: Имшенецкий, Борис Ильич. Великая Галицийская битва. Серия: Великая всемирная война, вып. 6, 32 с.] Петроград, 1914.

IZ 1916: Illustrierte Zeitung, nr 3831 (Kriegsnummer 122: Bulgarien / 1916).

Wirth 1914: Wirth, Albrecht. Der Balkan: Seine Länder und Völker in Geschichte, Kultur, Politik, Volkswirtschaft und Weltverkehr. Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1914.; (accessed 20.05.2024).


Article submitted / Zgłoszony do druku: 25.04.2024 | Reviews completed / Proces recenzyjny zakończony: 18.06.2024 | Accepted for publication / Przyjęty do druku: 10.07.2024 | Screened with iThenticate

Date of publication: 2024-12-19 15:18:58
Date of submission: 2024-04-25 12:02:58


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