
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

1. The texts should be submitted through the magazine's website

2. The length of the text: the article and the bibliography can not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces), reviews - up to 20,000 characters, messages - up to 12,500 characters, reports - up to 10,000 characters.

3. The article should be accompanied by the title and summary in the language in which the article is written and in English (1250 characters) and keywords in both languages.

4. The title of the review, discussion and report of the conference should be accompanied by the title and bibliographic address prepared according to the formula from point 8.

5. Layout of the text: in the upper left corner the name and surname of the author, affiliation and e-mail address; the title is centered, written in font size 14, in bold; midpoints centered, in font size 12, in bold; under the text of the summary; comments and side text in footnotes with continuous numbering.

6. Preferred font: Times New Roman.

7. Line spacing (space between lines): 1.5 lines.

8. Page format: A4.

9. Margins (right, left, top and bottom): 2.5 cm.

10. Paragraph (indentation): 0.75 cm in relation to the left margin line.

11. Awards in the text:

  1. inclined writing (italics): words in metalinguistic function; foreign language terms and inks (Latin, English, etc.); titles of referenced books, works of art, etc.; appearing for the first time in the text defined concepts in Polish - simple letters in quotes;
  2. first-class quotation marks ("____"): we use quotes from other people's statements; if necessary, we also use second-order quotes, so-called French "…";
  3. explaining the meanings of terms, terms (words, word combinations) in apostrophes;
  4. we use bold to highlight particularly important content;
  5. we do not use other types of distinctions (underlining, printing executions, graphic letter modifications, etc.)

12. Quotations: up to three lines - written in simple quotation marks in the main text; over three lines (the so-called big quote) - also written in simple letters, distinguished by a 10-point record and two single spaces both above and below the proper text (the quotation marks should not be included); the whole text of the long quote should be indented to the length of the paragraph in relation to the line of the left margin; (quotation marks in quotes marked with the help of the French quotation marks: "« ... »"); poems - folded as longer quotes; after the quote, in which there are distinctions not originating from the author of the quotation, should be placed in square brackets information about their authorship, eg [distinctions - J.K.]

13. Omitting a fragment in the text - marked with an ellipsis in square brackets [...]; we do not put this sign when the quote starts with a broken sentence introduced with text or when the quote ends with a dot.

14. Record of numerals: numerals are written verses in the range from zero to nine, and subsequent numbers are entered into the text using Arabic numerals.

15. Unification used: word record of "year", "age", "nineties", "twentieth-century"; no shortcuts, full version: "for example", "among others"

16. Names in the main text: for the first time full name, next recall - only surname (no name).

17. Transcription of non-Latin alphabets: expressions written in non-Latin alphabets should be transcribed in accordance with the rules given in the Great Spelling Dictionary of the PWN.

18. Tables, illustrations, photographs, graphs with signatures - continuous numbering within the text (separate for each type).

19. Photos and drawings: they must be sent as separate files in JPG format with a resolution of 300 DPI.

20. The file on the platform should contain both text and abstracts in Polish and English as well as keywords in both languages. In addition, the title, summary and keywords (in both languages) and bibliography should be included in the "metadata" tab.

21. Summary of the article

The text should be accompanied by a summary in Polish, placed under the article, preceded by five single spaces (up to 1000 characters, the entry: font 12 pt, Times New Roman, interline: 1.5) and key words (5-8 words).

23. Personal index

  1. includes the main text and footnotes;
  2. alphabetical arrangement;
  3. surname and first name (names) in full text and page number;
  4. entry: font 12 pt, Times New Roman, spacing: 1.5.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The authors are asked to check if the text meets the following criteria. Texts that do not meet the editorial requirements can be rejected.

  2. The file has been saved in the Microsoft Word (doc) or RTF, LaTeX format.

  3. Illustrations and graphs have been prepared in separate files at 300 DPI.

  4. The footnotes included the current URLs of the referenced websites.

  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. Additionally, you have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements in accordance with the Guidelines for authors, which can be found in the "About the Times" tab.

  8. I have fulfilled the recommendations regarding the preparation of the text to be reviewed in a double-blind (double-blind review process).

  9. As the author submitting the article for publication, I filled out the statement on the percentage contribution, in which I gave the contribution of the work of individual co-authors to the submitted article. The completed statement should be uploaded as an additional file along with the article.

  10. WARNING!

    The author here can find here a hint on how to properly upload the article.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.